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Parthi Bhatol

Allocation of Loksabha tickets in Banaskantha is completed by both leading parties.Parbatbhai Patel- BJP and Parthibhai Bhatol-Congress will fight. Workers have internal disappointments in the situation where the Congress candidate has done parachute jump. Earlier, when name was discussed, several activists and leaders protested with the preparation of collective resignation. In view of this, if the party leaders are inactive then the impact on the result can be affected due to the second reason the son is with the BJP.other side Parbatbhai Parabatbhai is one of his close friends. In the past, attended various activities and meetings Parbatbhai and BJP as a medium of publicity.

Born in 1944, ParthiBhai joined Banas Dairy since 1970, Chairman of Banas Dairy from 1991 to 2015, Chairman of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation from 2006 to 2012 After Kurien. direct contact with more than four million milk producers and Awarded for the benefit of families with the cooperation of banas dairy. Banas Dairy administered by millions of rupees under bhatol, also accused of corruption of millions. Prabhabhai Bhatol's son Vasantbhai Bhatol is former BJP MLA and is also the director of the Government of Gujarat's Agrochemical Board.

Adapted to stay with power, Due to Narendra Modi Government, the soft corner always been with the BJP. When the Banas-2 was to inaugurate, Congress was in power, Congress was in discussion with Manmohan Singh to call with Sharad Pawar, but he invited Narendra Modi and Pawar. In the meantime,Congress is displeased with him, only after his son fought the BJP election. At present, when the tickets given,he has only  two identities: the Banas Dairy and the Milk Federation. The older generation recognizes him, but the young people totally unaware about him. The party's positivity might be just as a member of the ‘SEVADAL’.

The reason behind giving tickets may not go with BJP due to the friendship with Parabatbhai and also the polarization of the votes of the Chaudhari community. Even though five MLAs are in the district, the Congress does not seem to have been able to do any such role as a competent opposition. So the lack of organization and workers may also be a reason.

written on 03/04/2019


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