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Vasant Bhatol Quit BJP Joined Congress

Banaskantha Congress suddenly come  into action after receiving tickets to Parthibhai Bhatol. Bhatol's son Vasanth Bhatol, former MLA-Danta has resigned from BJP's active membership to support his father.

When Asked about any dissatisfaction with the BJP ? he replied “Having worked with the Bharatiya Janata Party, he made great efforts. Worked with ‘vidyarthi parishad’  in 1991, Later, according to the party's order, since 1993,he has started work as the secretary of palanpur city, for years Maintaining various responsibilities, people gave  responsibility as Danta's  MLA in 2009. According to him Every party has the morals,politeness, When he was as MLA,his party's office bearers,elected MLAs protested against him and his father. ‘Is this sacrament of the party really?’ he said. The ideology of the BJP, the people who laid its foundation : “Vyakti se bada dal aur dal se bada rashtra”. Is it working within Banaskantha? Bharatiya Janata Party runs on only  person's gesture in Banaskantha. If  anyone ready to becomes a slave,fall in leg ,that person take a place in the party.core worker of party who carries out BJP's flag  in cities/villages,and  party does not appreciate it.its easy to  understand what’s happening in party ! he told that his father attached with all people of 18 communities of district. He was also very annoyed. Even though the government of BJP,why this? Is there any problem or done any corruption? Banas dairy is the highest profit given to farmers and ranchers within whole Asia, Have given the highest prices and profits even to the private and co-operative sector of Asia,when Talking about the lift of a farmer,so Why the politics here in dairy? Who behind it? This matter repeatedly introduced by many former MLAs,MPs in BJP Gujarat region office. BJP also did not take any attension. Due to this ideology is transformed. “Vyakti se Bada Dal aur Dal se Bada Rashtra” now become Opposite ideology  “Rashtra se bada dal aur dal se bada vyakti” with Vasant Thousands of activists do not agree with this BJP's ideology. Therefore, when the 120 year old Congress party has give mandate to his father, as stated earlier,he  will join congress.

In another question If Congress did not give ticket to his father, would he leave BJP?  He replied The reason for leaving BJP is not a ticket,but from last six months he lead attention to BJP, However  party did not take any notice.

He added His father's life is devoted to farmers, Dedicated to all 18 communities and poor people of District, An old S.S.C person can give glory to Banaskantha  in Asia, Being a chairman of the milk federations  can give pride to Gujarat,his father  will do betterness For Banaskantha farmers ,support prices, irrigation facilities, small classes and traders, affordable prices,unemployement. Congress never do like BJP manifesto and promises of 2014.

Written on 04/04/2019


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